Dr. Burke Orthopedics specializes in curing many types of arthritis. The swelling of joints should not be treated equally. Arthritis is common and can present itself in many forms. Joint swelling is not always in the same location or the only symptom one can suffer from when dealing with arthritis. Arthritis may be the reason you are experiencing reoccurring pain. Spondyloarthritis affects roughly 3 million people in the United States and is a branch of arthritis with a variety of symptoms and forms. Commonly unknown symptoms of this group are pink eye and irregular bowel movements.
4 Main Types of Spondyloarthritis Symptoms:
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact Dr. Burke Orthopedics to get a responsive and experienced care, with a comprehensive Treatment Plan.
Schedule an Appointment today with Dr. Burke Orthopedics, by Calling (713) 436-3488 or Visiting https://drburkeortho.com/contact-us/.
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