Many residents in Pearland, Texas, know that stem cells play an important role within the body. While you may be aware of how essential stem cells are, how do you keep them at their healthiest? At Dr. Burke Orthopedics, we know that taking care of your stem cells can not only help you feel great overall, it can also help you get the most out of stem cell therapy treatments. Here, we’ve listed some easy tips that will help keep your stem cells in great shape:
Did you know that a sedentary lifestyle can reduce the number of stem cells circulating in blood? This is precisely why orthopedic doctors often recommend exercise to improve blood circulation. Regular physical activity helps improve the health of bone-creating stem cells, which can help manage symptoms of degenerative diseases. However, exercise does more than just help the bone-creating stem cells. It also helps to maintain a larger pool of healthy stem cells in the brain. Whether you choose to take a leisurely stroll in your neighborhood, or hit the gym for an intense workout, physical activity is essential for those wanting to keep their stem cells healthy.
In a world where processed food is readily accessible, it’s difficult to determine what is safe to eat for stem cell health. Checking the label is always a good place to start. Does the food have artificial colors and preservatives? If so, it’s best to consider a different food choice. Processed foods containing artificial flavors and preservatives are thought to modify the epigenetic programming of our stem cells. Put simply, they can cause damage to the overall health of the cells. Sticking to “natural” foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables, can help prevent damage to the stem cells and keep them at their healthiest.
One reason behind the alarming build-up of plastic-related chemicals in our body is the increased use of disposable plastic containers. One of these toxic chemicals, BPA, targets your stem cells and increases the risk of developing cancer. Simple steps that you can take to reduce BPA intake and improve the health of your stem cells include:
While excessive exposure to harmful UV radiation can lead to premature aging, it is important to get enough vitamin D3 from the sun. Vitamin D, D3 in particular, can slow down the stem cell aging process and enhance their ability to transform into other cells when required. The best source of vitamin D is the sun, which helps the body produce the vitamin. However, those who are sensitive to the sun can opt for a vitamin D supplement instead.
Taking care of your stem cell health can seem like an overwhelming task, but it’s actually quite simple to keep your cells happy and healthy. Following these tips not only can help you feel better overall, it can also help you get the most out of your stem cell therapy treatment. For more information about stem cell therapy, and what it can do for you, give Dr. Burke Orthopedics a call at (713) 436-3488 or visit us at We’re the leading name in stem cell therapy in Pearland, Texas.
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