During the COVID-19 outbreak, Dr. Burke Orthopedics is available and honoring all surgery appointments at Texas Orthopedic Hospital, which is a “no sick” hospital.
This means it is for orthopedic patients only, without other health issues. To safeguard patients and medical staff, Texas Orthopedic Hospital will enforce a strict visitor policy. Patients are being directed to use the main, garage, and emergency room entrances. No visitors allowed at this time, apart from one overnight visitor for patients. Both locations for Dr. Burke Orthopedics clinics are also taking the recommended safety precautions for patients and staff. Dr. Burke and his team will be continuing to see and care for all patients and overcoming these challenging circumstances together. Don’t neglect your orthopedic pain, and keep or make an appointment for your Orthopedic needs. Call (713) 436-3488 or book your appointment here.
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