Do you have a joint injury not healing appropriately? Dr. Burke Orthopedics will listen to your concerns, perform all necessary tests for an accurate diagnosis, and correct joint pain, with a comprehensive pre and post-surgery / procedure plan.
Joints are intricate parts of the human body. You may have experienced a cartilage tear, or a joint may be out of position. You may have damaged the lining of your joint. You could possibly have a fractured bone.
A MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) or another form of imaging is typically completed to assess the damaged area. This is done after a physical inspection of the affected joint. The MRI will indicate the extent and location of the joint damage or disease. This assists Dr. Burke and his team determine the best course of action for patients.
Arthroscopy is a procedure in which a miniature camera is inserted through a small incision, near the affected joint. Arthroscopic surgery is minimally invasive and is an outpatient procedure. The camera provides a 3-D image of the joint area. This Computer Assisted procedure is used to diagnose and assist with your joint repair.
Typically, you will experience less pain after the repair. The arthroscopic surgery will result in some temporary numbness in the joint area. However, this will dissipate quickly, as the recovery is speedy.
If you have a joint problem or pain, your best course of action is to contact Dr. Burke Orthopedics. Dr. Burke is an Award-Winning and Top Rated Orthopedic Surgeon. Proper treatment of joint disease and pain is essential, as soon as it is noticed. Seek the professional help required to keep your joints healthy.
Schedule an appointment or consultation with Dr. Burke Orthopedics by Calling 713-436-3488 or Visit Today! Your future health and mobility depend on it.
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