05 Jun

Show Your Joints Some Love with Stem Cell Therapy

Whether you’re suffering from an orthopedic injury, degenerative disease, or simply chronic pain, stem cell therapy is a minimally invasive technique that offers relief for patients in Pearland, Texas. This revolutionary treatment can save you from having to undergo a reconstructive surgery. At Dr. Burke Orthopedics, we know you want to show your joints some love, so we’ve laid out some reasons to choose stem cell therapy to treat pain:

  • Assuages Discomfort

Stem cells can help repair damaged or swollen tissues within the body. This is why stem cell therapy is an especially beneficial treatment for people suffering from arthritis and inflammatory conditions. During the weeks following the treatment, stem cells locate the damage in the affected joint and restore the synovium and cartilage with healthier cells. This not only prevents pain, but it also begins the healing process of the joint. For stem cell therapy to treat joint pain effectively, stem cells are often injected in combination with platelets and natural growth factors, which further enhances the innate healing capacity of the body. As an added benefit, patients experience a reduction in pain without the need for intense pain medications.

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  • Speedy Recovery

Stem cell therapy allows you to resume your daily activities more quickly when compared to surgical treatment methods. This is a key benefit for many patients that need to get back to their normal routine. Stem cell therapy speeds up the overall process of recovery and reduces the amount of time needed for the body to heal. Stem cells tend to reproduce quickly, and many patients experience a dramatic reduction in pain quickly. Even though it may take as many as 3 months before full benefits are felt, many patients report improvement in pain and mobility within 1-2 weeks.

Happy senior couple dancing together in kitchen

  • Fewer Complications

Stem cell therapy is a minimally invasive procedure and has a much lower risk profile than surgical procedures. However, because the procedure does not require any major incisions to be made into the body, risks such as infections and clotting are significantly reduced. Additionally, stem cell therapy is an all-natural procedure. Stem cells grow naturally within the body. This helps in reducing the risk of any major complications. Typically, patients report only mild side effects with stem cell therapy.

Selective focus of chiropractor examining patient shoulder in massage cabinet at clinic

Stem cell therapy can take care of a number of conditions, and we are learning more uses for stem cells within the medical community. At Dr. Burke Orthopedics, we are proud to offer this cutting-edge treatment to patients in the Pearland, Texas, area. Give us a call at (713) 436-3488 or visit https://drburkeortho.com/specialties/stem-cell-therapy/.