14 Sep

MACI® Treatment Service

Different Types of Knee Surgery

There are many different types of knee surgery that may be considered as a treatment option for your knee pain if surgical intervention is required.  The decision will be dependent upon the diagnosis of your injury.  An accurate diagnosis is key to allowing your surgeon to subsequently decide the best option for treatment of your knee pain.  Orthopedic surgery procedures for the knee range from repairing and stabilizing a fracture or torn ligament/tendon to a replacement of one of these structures or the entire knee joint itself.

Orthopedic surgeries of the knee are commonly categorized into two distinct types.  These are an arthroscopic surgery or an open arthrotomy.  An arthroscopic surgery is minimally invasive.  This is when a very small incision is made in the knee allowing for a small fiber-optic camera to enter the knee joint.  This, in turn, guides the surgeon in performing treatment.  Arthroscopy is also used to properly diagnose an issue as it allows for closer and more thorough examination of the knee joint than could be obtained otherwise.  An arthrotomy is a more invasive orthopedic surgery of the knee that involves making a larger incision, allowing for the underlying structures in the joint that are damaged to be exposed.

partial view of Physiotherapist massaging leg of football player in hospital

MACI® Treatment Service – Treatment for Knee Pain

When cartilage in the joint is damaged, you may experience an impaired smoothness of movement and/or a decreased range of motion of the knee.  MACI (Matrix Associated Chondrocyte Implantation) is an autologous stem-cell treatment.  Autologous means that your own cells, which include fully developed healthy cartilage or chondrocyte cells, are cultivated from a healthy, non-weight bearing area of the bone.  Chondrocytes are cells that grow and develop into the extremely important cartilage matrix that exists inside of joints and helps with smooth motion and cushioning.

The MACI Procedure is two-fold.  First, healthy tissue is extracted from your knee during an arthroscopic procedure.  These healthy cells are then shipped to a lab where they are specially treated and encouraged to grow.  This is the autologous stem-cell process.

When deemed ready, the new cells are implanted back into your knee covering the area of defect causing pain.  This second step of this orthopedic surgery procedure is performed through an open arthrotomy.

MACI® Procedure at Dr. Burke Orthopedics

Knee pain may sometimes be able to be treated conservatively, meaning without surgery, but if you are dealing with a severe injury or other trauma, surgery may be indicated. If prior treatments such as physical therapy or other surgeries have failed to decrease pain, Dr. Burke may recommend the MACI Treatment Service.

Dr. Burke will thoroughly examine your knee and medical history to ensure that you are a viable candidate for MACI and able to gain the best possible outcomes before recommending this procedure.  He will not perform the procedure if he feels that you are not an appropriate candidate.

As soon as you have an injury, it’s imperative that you seek treatment to figure out the source(s) of pain to prevent further damage. Future function of your knee may depend on your fast action!

3d rendered medically accurate illustration of an arthritic knee