06 May

Dr. Burke Orthopedics Resumes Full Operation

As of Wednesday, April 22, 2020, Harris County has allowed for the re-opening of hospitals and medical practices that fall under the elective category.

Dr. Burke Orthopedics is happy to announce the office is fully operational with no restrictions and has resumed all orthopedic appointments, procedures, and surgeries. This includes all in-clinic orthopedic visits to either the Houston or Pearland clinic locations, as well as surgery appointments, whether elective or essential at the Texas Orthopedic Hospital.

With Harris County’s allowance of re-openings for medical practices, Dr. Burke Orthopedics continues to implement strict safety measures and social distancing practices for the best interests of all patients and staff. Please note the Texas Orthopedic Hospital is a “no sick” hospital, only servicing orthopedic patient needs.
If you have any doubts or concerns about in-clinic visits, Dr. Burke Orthopedics will continue offering online clinic visits via Telemedicine which you can access here. For scheduling an in-clinic appointment or surgery, call (713) 436-3488, or visit https://drburkeortho.com/contact-us/.

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