06 Sep

Scheduling a Stem Cell Transplant May Help with Orthopedic Discomfort

Orthopedic problems cause discomfort for many individuals, leaving them feeling held back from daily life. Joint surgery is not an ideal treatment for all patients. A stem cell transplant provides a beneficial alternative to traditional joint pain treatments. Stem cells can relieve orthopedic discomfort associated with the following:

  1. Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is characterized by pain, swelling, and limited range of motion. Affected joints lose cartilage, meaning there is no cushion in-between the bones. This causes the bones to rub against each other, leading to uncomfortable symptoms. Stem cell therapy enables osteoarthritis sufferers to get back to a pain-free life, providing a safer and potentially more effective alternative to surgery.

  1. Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are devastating for athletes, leading to surgical treatments that permanently take them out of the game. Stem cell therapy provides athletes with the option to return to sports. No artificial joints or incisions into the muscles are needed. This can help players fully recover from injury without permanent changes being made to their athletic routine.

  1. Injuries to the Tendon

Tearing or injuring the tendons leads to swelling, pain, and other uncomfortable symptoms.  Tendon injuries are serious, leading to permanent damage and reduced range of motion. Stem cell therapy can show promising results for those with tendon damage. The cells work to rebuild lost tissue, helping patients regain movement and potentially eliminating pain.  The regenerative nature of the cells may also help avoid any permanent damage.

Happy fit people running and jogging together in summer sunny nature

A stem cell transplant can help patients return to a pain-free life. Don’t feel held back by orthopedic discomfort. Call Dr. Burke Orthopedics at (713) 436-3488 or visit https://drburkeortho.com/contact-us/ to schedule a stem cell therapy consultation.