10 Mar

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7 Tips For A Speedy Knee Replacement Recovery

A total knee replacement is a serious type of orthopedic surgery. Such a major procedure can mean a long and stressful recovery period. However, while a recovery period after an orthopedics procedure like a total knee replacement is inevitable, there are things you can do during the rehabilitation process to make it progress more quickly and easily.

1. Take Rehab Seriously

The rehabilitation process is one of the most effective ways to speed up healing. Listen to your doctor’s instructions and follow them carefully in order to ensure a successful recovery.

2. Avoid Stress on Knee

After you undergo a total knee replacement, it might be tempting to try to return to your normal daily activities as soon as possible after surgery. However, staying away from heavy lifting, avoiding twisting your knee, and incorporating as much rest as possible into your daily schedule can actually help quicken the healing process.

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3. Incorporate Supplements and Vitamins into your Diet

At your follow-up orthopedic appointment, question your doctor about what vitamins and supplements he or she believes would be helpful for you to add to your daily diet. Vitamins and supplements such as iron and Vitamin D, for example, can strengthen your knee following your replacement surgery.

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