26 Oct

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Don’t Let the Cold Stop You from Moving – When to Tell if You Need to See an Orthopedic Doctor

The weather outside is changing, and temperatures are getting colder. For some, this is a simple change of seasons and requires a different wardrobe, for others, cold temperatures are bothersome because it affects their bones, joints and quality of life. Some people think they can feel weather changes in their bones. Is it an old wise tale, or can medical research support this theory?

The Link between Cold Weather and Joint Pain

Researchers think your grandma may have been right when she thought her knee pain correlated to an upcoming rain storm. However, it doesn’t seem to be the cold weather that people can feel in their joints. It’s actually the change in barometric pressure that cause people physical discomfort. Usually these changes are only felt by people who suffer from chronic pain, have had previous surgeries or suffered an injury in the past.

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1250x150Scientists say barometric pressure effects the way human tissue responds to changes in air pressure. For instance, when barometric pressure is high, the air pushes against the body and doesn’t let tissue expand. As an example, some people will experience swelling when riding on an airplane, but not when they are sitting at their desk for a long period of time. It’s the change in pressure that causes the swelling and the pain. Whether you think it’s the cold weather or arthritis causing your bones and joints to ache, it may be time to visit a doctor that specializes in orthopedics and have your ailment evaluated and possibly treated.

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